"Having participated in Francis in the Schools events, we've seen the children's faces suffused with awe and delight. We've read their letters of gratitude. The love and care expressed in these programs have a profound transformative effect. We feel privileged to support Following Francis."
Diane Frolov & Andrew Schneider
Executive Producers, "Chicago Med"

"The great thing about Francis in the Dunes is seeing kids get excited about getting outside. With so many distractions that kids have to deal with in this day and age, it's great to see them discover a simple joy, like riding a bicycle."
Mike Miller
Beach Bike Shop, Myrtle Beach, SC

I’m continually amazed at how these programs bring out the best in children, inspire their learning, and promote resiliency. They are models of how programs can be designed to ignite children's enthusiasm for learning and offer creative activities that nurture children's minds and hearts – providing transformational experiences for all involved!
Jimmy Venza, Ph.D.
Executive Director, The Lourie Center for Children's Social and Emotional Wellness

"Everyone keeps talking about the EXTRAVAGANT DAY. Teachers, staff members, instructional assistants, PE teacher, school counselors attended and loved every moment of the day. What a gift this was to our school family.
Elementary School Principal

"This was the best day of my life. It sounds silly, but I feel like a real princess here. I really do. But it's over now and we have to go back. At least we will always have today."
5th Grade Student
The Bronx

"Thank you for a wonderful and caring field trip...Also thank you for giving lunches and letting us play in a wonderful park. The musical was awesome and you showed excellent acting. My favorite part was the face painting. I can't stop thank you!
San Francisco
"Dr. Conner spoke to each student. She addressed them by their first name and made each one feel special. She never said the same thing twice. I watched the faces of each child from my school. By addressing them individually, Dr. Conner validated them. I was staggered by the sincerity of her love for the children."
Michael Thomasian
School Principal

"A simple 'thank you' is really not enough for all you provided for our children. They had a spectacular time filled with so many different kids of activities. You helped our students feel the spirit of Francis. From the people who met us at the bus to the helpers in the park, the love of Francis was modeled for us. Thanks to you, Francis has become a person of the present moment, a great man of our time."
Eighth Grade Teacher
San Francisco

"What does it take to make children feel worthy and capable of handling life’s challenges with confidence and loving compassion? Tune into the coordinators and volunteers of Following Francis, who routinely transform a single day into an experience that infuses children with a courage and confidence that may last forever."
Susan Isaacs Kohl